Congratulations! Now…
Here’s The Ultimate Daily Repair Routine
For Younger, Healthier Looking Skin

Hi, it’s Andi here.

Congratulations on your Total Package Serum purchase! You’re well on your way to tighter, healthier, more beautiful skin

And since you went with the bigger package, I know that you’re serious about looking younger, healthier and more beautiful…

So right now, I want to let you in on the ultimate daily routine for your skin.

What I’m about to show you took us over two years of testing.

And for results, we’ve never seen anything like it.

These women followed this routine for just two months




In the past, these sorts of transformations were impossible without expensive lasers, peels, and injections.

It would cost about $3,000…

But now, for a mere fraction of the price, I can guarantee you medspa-quality results in just a few short months!

And I actually like it better than medspas, because it doesn’t require any injections…peels…redness…or pain!

It’s The Del Mar Total Repair Routine

And yes, Step 1 is Total Package Serum! – It’s your daily “one-and-done” to target every sign of aging on your face.

Then, Step 2 is a daily dose of HydraGlo – it’s a moisturizing supplement, overflowing with hyaluronic acid to help your skin soak up rich, plumping, dewy moisture.

Then to round it out, Step 3 is our Total Package Complex - it’s a potent collagen for firmer, plumper skin.

Now, you’re already familiar with Total Package Serum, so I’m excited to offer you:

Step 1: More Total Package Serum

For most women over 50, their skin has already suffered from intense aging: collagen decay, elastin loss, and intense sun damage.

If that’s you, then you will benefit from using Total Package Serum 3-4 times a day…we call this process “Intensive Repair”.

It’s the best way to make up for years or decades of skin damage…

We need to help restore your skin’s healthy, young composition: abundant collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid back to youthful, abundant levels…plus intense free radical removal.

If you only use Total Package Serum one or twice a day, you’ll see great results.

Yet I’d strongly suggest that you double your daily dose, to more quickly rebuild and repair your skin’s damaged tissue.

That’s how to get onto the fast track to super-tight, firmer, youthful-looking skin.

So this package starts with 6 extra bottles of Total Package Serum. That way, you can use it four times a day, for ‘round the clock nourishment and repair.

Now, let’s talk about moisture:

Step 2: HydraGlo
Like A Cellular Sponge For Moisture


If you’re over 40, then your skin is drying out like a desert.

You see, hyaluronic acid is a little “sponge” that helps the skin hold onto moisture.

In fact, each little molecule can absorb up to 1000 times its own weight in water!

Our bodies produce less hyaluronic acid as we age.

So if you want that “baby-cheek plump” back, it’s essential to replenish your hyaluronic acid daily.

It’s become a very popular product in topicals.

But in my medical opinion, topicals can’t provide nearly enough…

Especially for women over fifty, because it’s like their skin has been in “drought conditions” for a decade or more!

That’s why HydraGlo is so potent.

It’s a daily super-serving of Hyaluronic Acid…

Then, we added two other moisturizing agents: Salvia Hispanica and Sunflower Lecithin.

Take it daily to fight back against moisture loss…

You’ll see a tremendous plumping effect, with more radiance and ‘dewy’ youthfulness.

Now, let’s add the third step to your daily beauty-from-within routine:

Step 3: Total Package Complex
Smooth, Fill and Clarify

Total Package Complex

Then to round it out, Step 3 is our Total Package Complex - it’s a potent combination of proteins, probiotics and antioxidants to smooth, fill and clarify.

When I say “old looking skin,” you can imagine exactly what I mean.

It’s rough… spotted… splotchy… sagging… and of course, full of fine lines and little “craters”.

It’s a lot of little problems that show up as one big skin condition… and it’s why we created the Total Package Complex.

This incredible formula starts with an eggshell-based collagen-elastin matrix. It's an ultra-clean, potent combination of these essential skin proteins, and it’s been clinically shown to boost firmness and elasticity.

Then, we’ve added a skin-beautifying probiotic, called L. rhamnosus SP1. We chose it because it can douse the inflammation that makes your skin red, rough and splotchy. And it’s been proven to significantly reduce adult acne!

This 1-2-3 Combination Took Us Years To Discover

The science of beautiful skin is incredibly complicated.

Our goal was to replicate the effects of medspa treatments… with all natural products.

Each of these formulas targets different problems…with the safest, most effective, natural compounds.

And this 3-step Del Mar Total Repair Routine isn’t “by accident.”

It was scientifically designed and tested to help you make and instant, striking impression.

The client photos say it all: the Del Mar Total Repair Routine works.

Results Like This Would Cost You $3000 Or More At A Medspa

Now, our pricing comes in far lower than that…

The MSRP on each of these products is either $69.95 or $59.95 per bottle…

…but today, I’d like to offer you a one time, new customer discount.

Since you already purchased six bottles of Total Package Serum, I’d like to offer you six more bottles at just $22 each…

Plus six bottles each of HydraGlo and Total Package Complex…

And you’ll pay just $22 per bottle - the exact same as you’ll pay for the extra Total Package Serum!

This 6-month package goes for $1199 at retail but you’ll pay only $396!

It’s almost over 60% off from our standard pricing…

And you’ll get free shipping – we’ll pack in all of these extra bottles with your Total Package Serum order.

Best of all…

Your Upgrade Is Protected With
A Year of Purchase Protection

You’ll have a full year to try this Total Repair Routine, and decide if you want to pay for it.

If you’re not utterly shocked by the results, then I’d insist that you contact us for a full refund.

Remember, the Del Mar Total Repair Routine was scientifically designed to replicate expensive medspa treatments.

The results are not subtle – they’re dramatic.

And if they’re not, then you’ll get back the full purchase price – easy and hassle-free.

But please know…

You’ll Never See This Offer Again…
Unless You Decide To Stay Onboard

This price is a one-time “welcome” gift.

If you want to get on a subscription for our Del Mar Total Repair Routine in the future, it will cost anywhere from $250/month (if we’re offering it on sale) to $356/month (at full price).

But right now, you can lock in six months of product at a tremendous savings.

It’s not a subscription, but many customers want to keep going.

If that’s you, then our Customer Happiness agents will be happy to offer you the lowest rate that you’re getting today.

And it all starts with your upgrade right now!

Just Imagine What You’re Going To Say To Your Friends…

“No, I didn’t go to a medspa…

I paid only a few hundred dollars…

and it was painless!”

This is the first ever doctor-designed daily skincare routine for beauty from within.

We spent years testing the ingredients, the formulas, and the dosing…

…and my personal guarantee to you is this:

Medspa-quality results, for a fraction of the price, without the pain!

Remember, when you upgrade now, you’re saving over 60%, you’re getting free shipping, and a year of purchase protection.

This is the very best offer I can make you…and the very best routine we have for your skin!

You’ll never see this offer again, so I urge you to upgrade now, and start making this your daily beauty-from-within routine.

Your Upgrade Includes:

  • 6 More Bottles of Total Package Serum
  • 6 Bottles of HydraGlo
  • 6 Bottles of Total Package Complex

Regular Price: $1199
Instant Savings: $803

Your Price: $396
(One-Time Payment, Not A Subscription)